Letter Waw: Complex curve of anhinga’s neck

23” x 27”

Occupy Common Ground Exhibition, St Paul's Church NYC,

Sumi-ink calligraphy printed on transparency film; digital photography


Ijaza (Diploma piece in Thuluth and Naskh scripts)

Signed by Hasan Celebi, Mohamed Zakaryia, Efdaluddin Kilic and Illumination by Ayten Tiryaki.


Surah Al Ikhlas (The Sincerity)

The Blossoming Name (Basmalah)

“In the name of Allah, the All Merciful, the All Compassionate”

Illumination by artist Behnaz Karjoo

The Protector of Success

"God is the keeper of success and what a good companion is he!"

Thuluth script

Ebru by EA Holland


Hadith (a collection of traditions containing sayings of the Prophet Muhammad)

Translation: "A believer is like a building block to another believer, one supporting the other.”

Jaly Thuluth in composition

Commission piece (Zaytuna College)

Rumi quote, “Sell not yourself at little price bring so precious in God’s eyes.”

Copperplate style with pointed pen ornamentation


Quote by Ottoman master Yesari Mehmet Es’ad Efendi

Quote by Ottoman master Yesari Mehmet Es’ad Efendi

T.S Eliiot quote

T.S Eliiot quote

Rumi quote

Rumi quote

Rumi quote

Rumi quote

Rumi quote
